After-school Drama Club
Since September 2022, we have offered an after-school drama club for primary
international school children in Barcelona. The ‘Learning Off Book’ after-school drama club uses a holistic programme that encourages an active and creative response to familiar topics that the children study in class, through drama.
We use cross-curricular topics such as “Homes and Habitats”,
"Off into Space","Save Our Oceans!" , "Ancient Civilizations" and
"Myth and Mask" (to name but a few). The children explore both
their existing and new knowledge across the curriculum, but
"off-book"; through play, creative movement, voice and speech
work and performance.
We offer clubs for Junior children in two age groups;
Age 5 - 7years. (Years 1 & 2)
Age 7 - 11years. (Years 3 - 6)